Sunday 6 January 2008

Migrants to blame?

Quite predictably, the netas have got into the molesting act, and Uddhavji is quick to blame the migrants for the problem. Though now he’s gone into hiding after it emerged that over half of the accused are the so-called sons of the soil.

And busy columnists (I am a blogger these days as no one will hire my services, hehe), have jumped onto the migrant-versus-local debate. Some suggest that migrants have lowered the bar in the city. Others scream this is a city of migrants, so how can one put out accusing fingers.

And I just find the whole debate laughable.

Because, migrants or locals, we Indian men are the bloody same, we are blood brothers when it comes to the issue of treating women as inferior beings. Read my answer to Gitanjali in the comments section of my earlier post for more details.

So the ‘good’ news is we desi cads have at least one thing in common: we may fight over places of worship, rivers, land masses, culture, food, etc, but when it comes to views on women, we are all the bloody same.


Anonymous said...

I thought this weeks blog would be on the cheaters champions Australia

nirav said...

anil thakraney to anil thackeray... (remember it frm 1 of ur old mid-day cloumns....) :-)