Thursday 23 October 2008

Conspiracy of silence

"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

I really don’t understand what the fuss about Obama is all about. We have had a Muslim prez, a Sikh PM and a Christian calls the shots in this nation… and a Dalit lady could well be the PM soon. So we have been there and done what the US is doing now. All I know is black or white, ANYONE is better than Dubya, so it’s a welcome change.

What we SHOULD be worrying and fussing about, are huge eff-ups back home. And the biggest eff-up of them all is Raj Thackeray.

When I watch Raj Thackeray in action as he sets about building his sinister brand, I can’t but help notice a similarity between him and the rise of Hitler. (In fact, Thackeray has openly spoken of his deep admiration for the Nazis.)

The same hateful speeches. The same fascist ambitions. The same deadly, crowd-pulling charisma. The identical attempt to feed on the masses’ perceived fears and insecurities. The ditto violent attempts at ethnic cleansing. The parallels are stark and frightening.

And sadly, as we get ready for history to repeat itself, it is clear that the past has taught us nothing. The vast majority in the city remain silent spectators. Either they believe in the neo-Nazi, or don’t seem to care, or are plain scared of speaking out against him. And what’s truly frightening is the tacit support Thackeray seems to be enjoying from the celebrity Marathis. Shobhaa De and others are candid about it. And public idols like Sachin Tendulkar and Lata Mangeshkar (both of whose words carry more weight than any political don) are missing. And the print media has decided to focus on Bollywood and parties. And now Obamaji. In short, people who can make a difference, who can stop the rebirth of Hitler, are busy doing nothing.

Yup, my words carry little weight in comparison with these worthies. Yet, I am ready to take on the man. Whatever happens in politics, we cannot allow the damned communal, lingo divide under any circumstances. Sadly however, newspapers in this country are loathe to giving me space. So all I can do is blog.

And don’t get me wrong: I am not against the idea of priority jobs for locals. But I certainly don’t want a Hitler to play that card for me.

Because I know evil will flourish if the rest of us remain silent spectators. If we do nothing.


Anonymous said...


Well regarding to the opening lines of a Sikh being PM, a Muslim prez, and a Christian calling shot, I would like to clarify Anil that there is a difference here and Obama being elected. A Sikh PM was made out of compulsion and not elected by masses, a Muslim prez again was a political move by BJP to checkmate congress and a Christian calling shot, that has been willingly or unwillingly been forced upon by the partymen. Whereas in case of Obama he has been elected by the masses keeping their prejudices aside.

Constant Thinker said...

Sir...Abt Raj Thackeray and his likes..I dun think we shud expect the bigger "worthies" like Sachin Tendulkar say anything against his brand of politics..
Everybody is scared of him and trying to save their own skin. We all know how he hauled Jaya Bachchan over the coals over her "UP" remark..It is clear if anyone speaks against this man..he will set off his goondas like a pack of hungry dogs at them..and we all know how much of damage the resultant violence will end up in.
Until the police is empowered without any political interference-nobody is going to do anything abt this man. Atleast if the cops can provide security to those who oppose such people,then more of the "worthies" may speak up.
Until then..all of them would remain "goongi" like the "budhiya" and prefer to cosy upto him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is true that most people do nothing and say nothing about what's happening here.
But, on a small scale, something is being done, and as a start, it is happening on the 15th November, at 3.00 pm at Shivaji Park....a Rally for Communal Harmony....if you want to make a difference, be there!
And By the way, Shobaa De is not a supporter of Raj Thackeray's "Hitlerism", in fact she has written a 'letter to Raj Thackeray' against it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anil,
Read your various posts. Interesting. Reminds me of a quote by G B Shaw-
Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.
Isn't it true of our countrymen?

Anonymous said...

Hi Anil!
Read your blog - with interest, and agreement. What your guess is about civil socity being scared is the true reason for our silence. I tried to express my concern through a Letter to the Editor - of an English paper - he truncated my letter, re-wrote it, and made it so unrecognisable I am convinced Raj has moles in Media who are doing the needful to silence us. Only my Name was recognisable! As I hope it is to you, from way back in the O&M past!

I don't know why, if we need to remain anonymous because of threats from MNS goondas, people like you in the Media don't start a signature drive through your sources, of a Letter to the President/Prime Minister/Chief Minister, demanding appropriate legal action (read permanent jail) for Raj and his goondas. I am sure even many Maharashtrians would come forth in support - as indeed they do in social but private gatherings.
I can tell you from my personal experience over the past many years that the Police here are so in support of Raj/Shiv Sena, that even when they know who's right, there will be little action on the right side of the Law. And in matters where 'a little incentive' is offered, they will even threaten to arrest you - happened to me! I have now stopped interacting with the Marine Drive Police Station because of 'terror tactics' to shut me up. They have succeeded!
So they won't help.
You are right - this is now a national problem, not just Mumbai/Maharashtra. It should be on the Centre's agenda before poll politics takes over at the exclusion of all else.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anil,
I read your 'Conspracy of Silence'. Yes we have a destructive monster staring at us and the party in power seems to be the only one that seems oblivious to it. Else people like Shivraj Patil, Vilasrao Deshmukh, Ahmad Patel etc would by now have been turfed out. Even Bombay's Girni Kamgar Union wouldnt tolerate such incompetence!
Regretably all the problems we face are due to the Congress and one particular individual-Indira Gandhi. The Shiv Sena was nurtured during her regime to keep the Communists out (dont forget she was solely instrumental in kicking out by 'sleight of hand' the first Left government in Kerala, she hated Krishna Menon a man with left leanings and thought he was instrumental in ending her father's charisma and stood for elections against a Congress candidate in North Bombay). So in comes Bal l Thackeray to do 'seva' for madam and the list is endless.
Sometime in the early 80s there was a cartoon that showed two scrolls of honour: One said, 'Mahatma Gandhi's men: Pandit Nehru, Vallabhai Patel, C.Rajagopalachari. The other said:Indira Gandhi's men: Antulay, Gundu Rao, Bhajan Lal.
And if this was to be extended to the 2000's it would perhaps say: Sonia Gandhi's men: Shivraj Patil, Arjun Singh, Vilasrao Deshmukh. Thats progress for our Bharat Mahan!
Unfortunately Indira Gandhi has so firmly established a political culture that suits every political party including the Left. Symptoms: money politics, rented crowds, dynasties and manipulation. Why wont the MNS suit this environment?
The answer lies in the Congress being kicked out and staying out of power for a longtime which forces them to rebuild without any traces of the current culture-dynasty,cronies etc.The last time they were out of power was too short (eight years only). Or we should have something like the set up in Kerala- two fronts with differing philosophies and some similarities. And they get kicked out if they fail to perform. In this format the regional types like the MNS are marginalisde (see the plight of the so called Keral Congress or The Muslim League).
Anyway, good luck with your mission.
Mani Ayer

Constant Thinker said...

Whats the use of blaming Indira Gandhi..Sonia Gandhi etc.???!!! This has nothing to do with any of them. The purpose of this blogpost was to analyse and discuss abt the new form of menace staring us in the face and see how to solve the problem-not to keep on playing the same old tired blame game..!!! Thats not going to help anyone except to send u running round and round in a vicious circle.

No point in the so-called signature campaign either..unless it is handed over to someone like Sonia Gandhi or MMS at the Center-so that they could put pressure on the Deshmukh govt to do something abt this man. Else..very soon the Deshmukh govt will end up with name becoming "Deshmuck!!"...egg and muck all over their (not so) pretty faces.

Prasoon said...

I support you Anil...

Anonymous said...

Hi Anil,
I sent my comment to your email address. It came back. Have you changed your email address?

suchitra said...

hey,u r exaggerating.
about keeping silent,the rich and famous always remain silent b"cas common things dnt affect them.
the lower starta doesnt have a voice as they r busy earng their rojiroti and infact,they r behind Raj as their rojiroti is at stake.
wht we few do is making our presence known thro our writings in whtever ways we choose to like u do thro yr blogs.
but some of the opinions seem paranoid to me.wht hitler and all?give the man some credit tht he gave the marathi manoos some solace by voicing their hurt when they were addressed as ghati always and always taken for a ride by the votebank politics.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anil,

Unlike you I do not believe that we have any Heroes/heroines in our
world today, especially our Country. I believe our only heroes are the ones who are taking care of our borders so that we can have a good sleep at night, even though there are a few who are now showing their true colours.

You think these characters will throw up their cushy life styles and their money and mess with these misfits, by standing up for the downtrodden and taking up these issues. It will never happen. They only want to take care of their back. Little do they realize that the
day is not very far when these problems come knocking on their
doorstep. Yes we will all be affected if some Miracle does not take place soon.
One can see how far we are going in order to get rid of some rats. We are burning our own house, thinking that these rats will run away.
Surely these rats are very pleased that now their work is being done
for them without involving any stress or expenditure on their part.
Why can't these politicians get together and get rid of these Rats
from our house, instead of burning it down, and hurting the wrong people. Surely they could take a
leaf out of Indira Gandhi & the then opposition who put all their
differences aside, joined together for the benefit of the Country and
the result Bangladesh (even though they, BD now pay us back with
contempt). Rats enter the house when there are no traps, and given a warm Welcome.
People like Mani Ayer are misfits in politics who spew inaccurate
information for their personal benefit. Why does he try to glorify
Menon, when he knows very well that Krishna Menon was responsible for the miserable defeat of our army by the Chinese, when he was the Defense minister, result he was dismissed from the Nehru ministry. He was responsible for our soldiers getting frost bitten, as he did not give them any equipment to beat the snow filled mountains, result in China thrashing us.
He says that Indira Gandhi was the one who encouraged Bal Thackrey in
the 60s. At present his party is a partner and reaping the benefit.
If I can remember it was Indira who had put Bal Thackrey in his
place, when he was getting out of hand and his people bashing up the
South Indians. She was the only one who had B….
I wonder if he knows who is responsible for the Chinese trash/plastic etc. messing up our shores.

It is very unfortunate the fourth estate has created these so called
Heroes/Heroines and also these Monsters, by giving them undue
recognition, with Superlatives like Super Stars, Super Cops, Beauty
Queens, Dream Girls, No 1 and so on. Calling the Misfits, Dons,
Supremo, Chiefs etc. They forget that in today's world, especially
in a democracy there are no such things as King and Queen. Guess
they the media have their own axe to grind, as one can see how they
want to promote themselves as the No. 1. So & so. It is also known
that these media guys are bought. You invite them for any function,
give them some grog, Non Veg. and next day you are on page 3. Money is not accounted.

Then we have these gutless ministers, wasting precious hours doing nothing only plotting how to keep their seats (forever &ever). They manipulate the system by keeping the Citizens busy. They play the Divide & Rule game.

At present in spite of the financial crisis in the world, we are one of the few Countries who are very stable. There are a good percentage of the people who have moved up the ladder. Why not get more to join, instead of being insecure. There is plenty for all, except for the greedy.

Re shoba De, Patrice you are right she did not agree with Raj Thackrey's way of taking up the issue of North Indians, but she was very soft on him. She treated him with kid gloves, and then he got front page reviews. She should have been like the Tigress that she was when she went all out for Salman Khan, when she wrote about him when he mowed down some pavement dwellers a few years back.
Then can't help it even the Big B bends.
Anil, all the best in your effort to make even a small change.


PS One thing that has a positive result/outcome for the Mumbai
traveler after Raj Thackrey's stance with the Taxis & Autos, is that both Taxis & Auto fares have been reduced by 20 to 25%.