Friday 30 May 2008

The father's burden

Enough has been reported/stated/farted in the media by rookie journos and idiotic cops over the Aarushi murder, so surely you must be bored. However, there’s one thing that still needs to be said.

Assume for a second that it wasn’t the dad that killed his teen daughter (yes, that possibility cannot be ruled out yet), imagine the complete terror the man must be living. First, the brutal killing of his daughter and the trauma that follows thereafter. Then, the intense media scrutiny on his life with some seriously slanderous shooting in the air by the police. Now, he’s in jail facing hard interrogation, and a narco test on its way. And all this based on what? Absolutely nothing, the police have no evidence at all in this murder. And guess what? Even if eventually the case misfires and the man is declared innocent, his life, his career, his everything, is blown forever.

Spare a thought for the man. God forbid, such a calamity can befall any one of us, what with crimes increasing by the day in the big cities.
Clearly, the time has come for the investigative process in such cases to be totally overhauled. We must be doing some very wrong things to destroy a man in such a fashion. I don’t know what the solution is, but I do know this: this is the worst thing to ever happen to any man, and any civil society cannot allow it. Yes, it’s possible the man is guilty, in which case he deserves it. But what if he isn’t? We’ve already hanged him over and over again.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we just want to blame someone, and hes the only one nevermind if hes innocent people are still going to hang him

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we just want to blame someone, and hes the only one nevermind if hes innocent people are still going to hang him

Anonymous said...

but the mother who spoke to NDTV did not look traumatised!!!!

Constant Thinker said...

all that is very well said..but why dont u post a write-up abt neeraj grover's killers too?? it really hurts to see TV channel bosses say they are still willing to hire maria for one of their serials.."if she fits a role". have people become so selfish in their pursuit of success that everything else takes a backseat-they will hire a killer also to gain some profits??!! am feeling so frustrated and what i am reading in the papers day after day..!!
why have u not mentioned abt these issues??

Anonymous said...

It could have happened to anyone of us. But then we would be blamed. Knowing you, six months ago you would have definitely raised one question - why keep a full time mail servant with such a beautiful daughter in the house?


Anonymous said...

hi anil im sure u must be gloating that u said talwar was innocent and "i told u so" must be written all over ur face BUT i am laughing at the way the journalists r falling all over talwars feet and saying sorry to him...i mean if they thot they were doing thier job then then why undo it now?? journalism has reached such a low that journos dont know what questions to put to the talwars..i mean asking him if he will sue the police?? what do they expect a man who is still an accused and only out on bail to say?? some journos even went to the extent of undergoing a narco test to see what cud be revealed...who allowed these tests? who conducted them without a doctors prescription to do so? and why undergo a test which is equal to undergoing general anaesthesia??/ why did they not do it when abu salem a hardcore crimminal underwent a similar test??
secondly anil dont u feel the talwars r getting away scot free?? they had a teenage daughter at home...dont they lock the male servants OUT before going to sleep in a room with the AC on??(renuka choudhary are u sleeping )abroad this wud have amounted to negelect on the part of the parents.
why was hemraj allowed to entertain his friends inside the house?? why did the durranis say that rajkumar was at home that night??
shud the UP police be sued?? i dont know but someone mislead them that enough time was bought to cover evidence? i am still not convinced ARE YOU?