Saturday 23 December 2006

Who the fuck is Priyanka?

Priyanka was a nobody from a tiny village in Maharashtra, one that no one’s ever heard of and no one even cares about. She was an 18-year-old NCC cadet, she wanted to be with the army, but then who gives a rat's arse for such down market qualifications and ambitions? Worse, with a name like Khairlanji, her village doesn’t even merit a stopover for a quick piss when we zip by the countryside on our long cross-country drives. Even to unload, we city guys prefer familiar sounding places.

This is what happened to this luckless teen, and if you are already too bored to listen to her story, I don’t blame you, do go away by all means to more interesting stuff.

On the morning of September 29, 2006, 12 sloshed ‘upper caste’ men attacked Priyanka’s hut. They strapped her on to a bullock cart as one would a disobedient animal, and dragged her out to the village chaupal. Then, they took turns to rape her, following which they completely stripped her, and paraded their ‘trophy’. But this was only an appetiser. The main course involved beating her naked body with bicycle chains, and publicly gang raping her all over again, and this went on till the mutilated Priyanka stopped breathing. However, not satisfied, the goons went on. The teenage corpse was raped yet again. On realising the dead body was no longer rape-worthy, the men shoved iron rods into her blood clotted genitals, and used pickaxes to disfigure her face. Now at peace, they threw the remains into a ditch, and walked away in celebration.
An identical fate awaited Priyanka’s mum, Surekha, as her dad, Bhaiyyalal, hid behind a hut watching helplessly. And all this over a petty land dispute with Priyanka’s family, a dispute the teenager perhaps had no knowledge of, and was certainly not a part of.

Here’s what has happened since: all the onlookers say they saw nothing happen. The police, who as usual arrived long after, refused to file n FIR.
Though photographs of the mutilated bodies with rods in the genitals are believed to have been taken by a police patrol team, none saw the light of day. The post-mortem report conducted the day after the incident indicated no rape had happened. Under pressure from the Dalit community, the bereaved father has received some monetary compensation, but those bastards who tortured and mutilated an innocent young life, walk free.

Now here’s why I’m using horrible language AND boring the shits out of you: We, the so-called educated, evolved, wise, city slickers, seem to want to give a damn about Priyanka’s story. Because we are bloody hypocrites, all of us. We will send out text messages to news channels, we will shoot out angry letters to editors, we will hold candlelight marches when a Jessica Lall is denied justice. Because that crime happened in an up market joint in New Delhi, involved Page 3 animals and bada netas and bada names, and because the dead girl was an aspiring model. But we won’t do that for Priyanka because she came from a village unworthy of being even a pisspot, because she lived an unhappening life, because she was a nobody to the rest of us. In short, we don’t give a fuck for what happens to Indians who are not like us, the non-PLUs, as chattering socialites would call them. The media isn’t interested either, because Jessica’s tragedy sells, Priyanka’s doesn’t.

So, Priyanka’s case will go on endlessly. The rich and the powerful from the village will continue to do their bit to sabotage the evidence. The name Priyanka will totally vanish from our collective minds, that is if it’s registered in the first place. And another Priyanka will meet the same fate before too long.

A few years later, we will recall Jessica Lall’s story vividly and tearfully. And as for the village girl, we’ll be shrugging with, “Who the fuck was Priyanka Bhotmange anyway?”


Anonymous said...

just read the priyanka story. would like to see justice done, how does one go about this? please advise.

Wanderer said...

I've read and re-read this post god knows how many times! My skin really cringes and my hair stands up everytime...
I had not heard/read about the story (so cushy our lives are, aren't they?) and so just got to know after reading your blog...
yes, i hope justice does come thru and these guys are hanged! But I'm questioning the state of our society...what makes these kind of men? How do they even exist?!

Anonymous said...

dear anon/lovemarks,
i know one thing: we 'India Shining' guys can't just sit around doing nothing! i think i have a plan, will share soon. cheers

Anoop Nair said...

hey anil...
kudos to u for the gives an insight to the so called bright light offered the fucking bastards who run the system of our country..seems u have a plan to make oursleves heard..wud be grateful if u share the same with me..
Anoop Nair

Unknown said...

Hey Anil,

This incident is really very brutal and shakes our entire belief in Humanity and our pride in being the "social animal". We are worse than the animals in the Jungle. They only kill to have their fill, we kill for greed and lust. There is a lot of truth to your cynicism. I agree I am a Hypocrite like many others. But this hypocrisy is not entirely steaming out of the “don’t care attitude” towards the “UNKNOWN”. This incident in fact touches me more than any of the “Jessica Lall” sensationalism created by the media. However I believe there are thousands of cases like these in India, happening day in and day out. Where all and whom all can we reach out too.. Lets be very honest we are all animals of our own desires and chasing the buck to secure our own lifes.. Selfish I know but that is the TRUTH. This does not mean there is no desire to contribute to the society we live in… Its just that we don’t seem to have the time..

There has to be some medium through which we channel all our effort to make a positive contribution. If you can come up with something will be really glad to support it..


Anonymous said...

Dear Anil,

If atall we want to act what do we do .. how do we go about it ..??? There is no point in talking about it .... if there is a prbolem let us also know how to get a solution for the same instead of just writing about it ....

Hum aap ke saath hai ... but come out with a solution and then lets talk ...


Anonymous said...

Dear Anil,

If atall we want to act what do we do .. how do we go about it ..??? There is no point in talking about it .... if there is a prbolem let us also know how to get a solution for the same instead of just writing about it ....

Hum aap ke saath hai ... but come out with a solution and then lets talk ...


Me said...

Thats a shame.

Minoti said...

Mr. Thakraney
Thank you for the article. you rightfully said that Priyanka's story is not the best seller so no media or the candle lighting people will think over it, but as a common man do we all should wait for somebody to rise up for the cause? Do we have no liability towards a social cause? The eyewitnesses in Priyanka's case are mum fearing for their life, any wise person can see why the neighbours who might have seen Priyanka as a lovely child growing up, kept quiet when she was brutally raped, murdered and tortured, why Police who claim to be the saviors are not even writing the FIR and why the Dalit community giving compensation and not asking justice for her and why the powerful "Daliton ke masiah" leaders are not pressurizing the court, the government to punish the culprits?? And the most important why the government is keeping silence???
obviously the person involved is the Godfather and the people who did this act are the daily wagers who do anything for the money and are the tentacles of this octopus, so justice cannot be done in such cases and file will be closed....We will wait for another Priyanka, Radhika, Maushumi, Rupali,Vijayalaxmi to be raped, mutilated, tortured
read the news as an one liner on last page, show our genuine anger towards such incidents and forget about it....We will really wake up when such Godfathers will finish grabbing from the poor and turn to the middle-class in the society, then the Higher middle-class, because the lust is never ending, grabbing something from somebody is an addiction for them collecting land, money for the nth generation and not allowing any other person to rise up is the only passion and mind you raping and torturing enemies woman is like showing one-upmanship as per our tradition, taking revenge means degrading the opponents women in front of the crowd whether they are responsible or not (Don't you see the Indian movies? they claim to be the mirror of the society) So Mr. Thakraney the Question is who will take the initiative and if somebody will take the initiative the how many people will stand united behind him? We are slowly becoming a nation of cowards who are more interested in self interest than the self respect so waking such dead minded people is not a easy task…..Gandhiji did it in the time when conscious of a common man was still alive……

anil thakraney said...

Minoti: Such incidents keep happening all over the nation. As a journo/writer, I just wanted to point out that the media and the rest of us city people need to look beyond our backyard. That people in the ‘unhappening’ India matter too. Thanks.