If we ever needed proof that news channels in India have gone to the dogs, especially the Hindi ones, then it’s arrived with the arrival of the victorious cricket team.
While one isn’t trying to belittle the team’s success, and they do deserve some cheering from us fans, truth is, it’s nothing but a one-day series win abroad (we lost the bigger Test series), and we have been there and done that before. It’s not like the team returned with the World Cup (in which they performed memorably miserably last year, and were kicked out of the first round itself).
But the way the TV editors have been going about with the street tamasha, one would think the heroes have returned after a fierce war with the neighbour, and with POK as part of their prize kit. Mind-effing songs have been composed, trainee reporters are running from pillar to post to find if Ishant Sharma likes his rajma chawal tepid or piping hot, one channel has turned into a matrimonial site for the monkeying Harbhajan. And they are trying to outdo each other in this fight of madness. The recent controversial budget is already history, and no one gives a rat’s arse for the dying farmers anyway. All these idiots will manage to do with this nautanki is to mess these young minds beyond repair.
I swear I will never switch to a Hindi news channel again from this day. I am jobless right now, and cannot afford to buy a new television set.
Hi Anil,
Completely agree with your view regarding news channels..certainly gone to the dogs…..cant understand their obsession with actors and cricketers.
For good news I have switched over to the humble doordarshan!!!!!!!
Joyce Shekhar
Agreed. I do not watch the news channels when they telecast such things. It is because of the viewers that they have made it a business to tell us what xyz likes... at least in case of criketers it is when they win matches. We get to see these actors every 1/2 hour.... what they do etc etc...
prob is we (this generation) do not have idols.
Am allergic to trash so threw out the TV, glad it still stinks, else would be hit by dissonance !!
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