Ever since I quit my last job with the Mumbai Mirror Jan-end this year, I have mainly been on a cross-country drive. Mumbai-Bangalore and other delightful parts of southern India. In my experience, there is nothing better than a drive by the country to help untangle the messed up mind, to see things a bit more clearly and to chart out a new direction in life. And as any long drive traveller would tell you, there’s nothing more upsetting than to run into an unmarked T-junction along the highway, with one of those restless trailers honking rabidly inches behind your frightened back.
Well, thankfully, I didn’t face many such horrid Ts on the yatra, but am at crossroads in my rather fledgling, directionless career. While there’s no furious lorry on my tail, the angry bills certainly are, and as I head back to base in Bombay later this week, I need to decide which way to turn the damn wheel.
As I see it, I have two roads ahead. One, I forget all that I have done in the last few years in mass journalism, and retrace my steps back to advertising journalism, with which I began my career as a journo. This should not be too difficult as there are many opportunities in this field today, yes, even for crank heads like yours truly. But choosing this road will obliterate all the passion I still possess for doing my bit for the nation, for using communication as a tool to making a difference, however small… the reason I drifted into mass journalism in the first place.
The other road, of course, is sticking to the mainline stuff. The problem here is that while there is a way, there are far too many steep hurdles and axel smashing potholes lining the path. There are very few takers (in fact, none at all) in the Indian media for my kind of brutal, knock-out, mind-effed style, and after a few large pegs, I rationalise that by claiming to be ahead of my time, hic! The truth, of course, could be that the Indian media is running way behind sced, hehe. However, I could still hang in there, freelance a bit, do entertainment assignments, sell my soul doing the odd commercial stuff, and probably I could make by for a while. And then it’s a matter of luck too; I could end up with a trusting, ballsy proprietor, as Vinod Mehta of Outlook managed to do, and have a periodical of my own someday when the nation is ready for the hard stuff. But I readily concede that might never happen, and this turn could lead me to a career dead-end.
So then why am I boring you with my confusions with road maps? I guess because I’m secretly hoping one of you readers will play road marker for me. And also because I am sure all of you at some point do face such T-junctions in life, so I guess on some level you will identify with my predicament.
So you think, while I go stock up on the beers. Cheers!
It's a no-brainer. Cheques need to be drawn in Rupees, not idealism. And I doubt any job - however full-time - can stop you from playing with the pen/keyboard, so you can continue to publish here and there if the ego calls for it.
Hey well obviously the bills come first and then the idealism. one has to survive to be idealistic wot say!!! So go on and break a leg in your advertising journalism and blogspot is always there to publish your more "punchy" pieces. Also if you love travelling you could publish some info about those places as well. All the best.
Hey Anil, me thinks advertising journalism is what you need to go in for. As and when you get the offer, you can pen down your thoughts in a weekly column a la Shobhaa De. Once the Bank Balance starts bloating, you can always weigh your options. But you need to be comfortably off finance wise. Guess, for someone like me, your blog is the best way to catch up on your thoughts. Go for it.
Hi Anil,
It's not easy to keep a good man down.
There will be plenty of doors opened for you.
However, I feel you should branch out on your own. You have what it takes to swim. You know your strengths and weakness better, so make it work for you.
Trust me everything will follow
Well written! T Junctions??? Well, I face forks and what not?!
Write for JAM na...
I guess it is tough to think when your at a T junction since all of us face it one time or the other. I would say listen to your heart and go for it! You will excel in whatever you choose. On the practical side if you need to do some commercial stuff to pay those pilling bills, so what!!
Hi Anil!
All of us at some point of time are accosted with the "T". In fact as we cruise towards it, it is really a race between the heart and the mind. When we tend to be in a dilemma, its best that we ensure that the heart just about pips the mind to the post, but just about! In all probability then, we shall end up taking a decision that would not just be sound but more importantly one that would be close to your heart!! Guess it is all about the balance of heart and mind!!!
Anil, for starters don't deny us your fab writes even for a while....do some freelance stuff (and even some commercial stuff if reqd in between to keep it going) till u settle down into some place that can do justice to your writing skills and give your the freedom of expression as guaranteed in our constitution!
We all come to crossroads in our career and from my experience at such times the heart works better than the mind! All the best!
Hi there,
stop whining! Get practical! Need money, do work. Even if it is not the best of assignments,consider it necessary and just do it.
There is enough time on your hand left, travel less, start drinking later and work the remaining time on the things, that you really like.
The couch potato was not really a good one in the first place.
Get started, ok!
Hey Anil,
I'm the last person to advise you as i took the easy way out and preferred to be a wife and mother instead of continuing in the path. lab. But, today, my grown -up children thank me for that decision and, my husband could well afford me staying home. So really, it boils down to....if you can afford to go with your heart and write the stuff you love (and we love to read!), then do so. But if you have to live in a garret and feed off beans and toast then you need to write what everyone (meaning editors)else wants and now and then, just to save your soul, write your usual, ascerbic, witty, observations!
Best of luck,
Hi! your legion of readers will not diminish if you stoop down to taking a job, to put some beers and other stuff on your table. The bold and the beautiful thrive only in Tv soaps.....may the brute strength of your pen increase and multiply! Cheers, have one on me! Vera, of the White legacy.
Logic states 'commercial' as the answer to paapi pet ka sawaal to keep the kitchen fire burning, and the blogspot to fuel the fire within.
Don't lose hope and (later) look out for an employer jisne maa ka doodh piya hai to publish in-your-face truthful punches.
Good luck,
Sunitha D'Silva
Hi Anil,
Dont know why but i was a bit worried for u.Dont ever give up the passion of 'writing to make a difference'.Also dont retrace or go back. Look straight and go ahead.Make the best use of this time. Compile all your best write-ups especially the interviews-Amitabh,Amir. Write up on Sunjay Dutt which referred to Tuka Mhane.Whole lot of good stuff that u have written in the past. Give it a catchy title like "My Mind's Eye" and get it published. I am sure it will sell. Your T junction already shows that u have slipped into the left lane. I am sure it is the creative side.For some fast buck advertising journalism can always be there.I dont know how easy or difficult all this is going tobe. Its fun advising. All the best.
Rita Som
Hi Anil,
I envy the position uou are in... you are free, you are independent. Just clear the mind of all the cobwebs... I learnt a very important lesson recently... "the past is gone forever...the future you have not seen...WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IS YOUR PRESENT!"
You are not at a T-junction... There is a veritable fruit garden in front of you... just pick and choose... You are an intelligent guy... You will eventually find your way.
1.Buddha said that it is no use talking sense if you are surrounded by foolish people.
2. I wonder if you ever read the poem 'Boy who went to London' to find if it was any different. He found that everything was the same.If you think things are going to be any different you are mistaken.People are same wherever u go. Change is not brought about by changing places. Somebody said u have to be in the system to bring about a change. I have tried that also. Only experience brings about a change in people. I am writing this on the basis of my experience.
Rita Maker
Ok, Anil! You've heard them all. Do you still need to hear more? ;)
Pull yourself together man! We read you, so write! :P
Ps: Why'd you leave MM? Email if its too personal! Ta!
Hi Anil,
We all have to make our decisions ourselves…no one helps. Wherever your career takes you, my best wishes.
But don’t deny us your honest truthful articles. It’s a refreshing change to read the truth rather than much fabricated and worthless news. I personally don’t see anyone in the media taking your kind of hard hitting stuff…ours is a country full of cowards.
Your writing inspires me….so keep up with your good work.
Joyce Shekhar
hi all.
sorry for responding late, was on the road, but back in bombay now.
boy, that was some power feedback, most of it very useful, so many thanks.
truth be told, am as confused as ever, and every time i have followed what the heart says, have landed up with much egg on the clogged arteries.
but, will decide next course soon and keep you folks posted.
thanks again, i am deeply grateful for all the suggestions.
Hi Anil,
Long time... dont know if you remember me. Rosemary - we met in Bangalore. I'm in Delhi now and looking for a job - all because I decided to follow my heart....
So hang in there - things will work out.
Btw, wont Outlook have you? They publish alot of such stuff - they always have Arundhati Roy with her acidic essays... I'm sure they'd like more of that kind.
Am the last person to give advice but one line by Atul Kulkarni from Page 3 comes to mind :"You have to be in the system to change the system" :)
I am reminded of another movie "Saath Saath" from your predicament. Farooque Sheikh and Deepti Naval? But what can really make us happy at end of day is doing what we really believe in, are passionate about. (unfortunately I dont take my own advice!!.
Do it before its too late. Today some ppl know you because u r different from rest. Let it stay that way....
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