There are some issues you don’t speak against in Mumbai, or you run the risk of being considered a social outcaste and an unfash loser. One such is the Mumbai Marathon, which is apparently underway as I write this.
Well, true to character, here goes. I think the Marathon is nothing but a crass nautanki, it sucks bigtime and is a hip fraud perpetrated upon the unsuspecting masses. If you have to do public service, do it quietly and without messing up the already choked city roads. Adopt a child. Donate money to your fav charity. Send your maid’s kids to school. You know the list. But running on the streets to raise funds for dubious causes or to create awareness on issues the world and its father already knows about is utter crap.
I think the Marathon is nothing more than a group of celebs and wannabes desperate to get some free media coverage, it’s a Page 3 party held outdoors. And it’s the outdoor touch that makes it novel and therefore popular. No one knows where all the prizes and monies end up, there is no transparency and who cares anyways. All we know is that some desperate for cash Kenyan or Nigerian hits pay dirt, and that’s that.
Now, if people want a quaint party on the streets once a year, so be it. But then let’s call it a Marathon bash, and I am happy to live with that. Only hope your nana or nani doesn’t need urgent medical attention today. This wild party has no time or patience for the sick and the dying.
Tch! Tch! Anil, you are poking fun at the only chance a Shabana Azmi or Ayesha Takia will get, to do their bit, to lose weight thru the lil bit of running they will do.
Or perhaps its just another sport thats been hijacked by psuedo sportsmen and the kenyans are the only ones running for the love of the sport? Its also funny how we always create a seperate category for our countrymen..so we've got someone who stood first from amongst the indians...we never seem to wanna compete with the rest of the world on an equal footing except in cricket..
I completely agree with you. The hype that was given to this event not only in newspapers but also on radio. People actually making complete fools of themselves. As you say one doesnt need to advertise.... people who actually do social work never speak about it. Also our sportsmen were not even given proper accomodation...while (as reported) the foreign ones were given 5 star accomodation..... can we call this racism!
It's OK to have some fun Anil. While I agree with you that the marathons are all hype and show up a city's failing/falling infrastructure (eg Bangalore marathon)....I think that with all the stress & tension we hv today, it's nice to have something to look fwd to on a weekend.And if we're getting some exercise while we're having fun, then why not!
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