So the chap who engineered and executed the Delhi Metro rail has been feted as the Indian of the Year by a TV channel. And apparently he won the honour because (and quite strangely) the public sector man got the metro done in time, efficiently and without taking bribes. Great!
Okay, can we now have this rare gent out here in Mumbai to put the city’s collapsed rail and road network on track? Can we make him the CEO of Mumbai? What use is stunning development in Delhi for the rest of the suffering Indians?
It’s often said Mumbai gets shortchanged by the central netas because they live in the capital city, and are concerned only about that place. And we Mumbaikars constantly carp that all the taxes generated out of the city get used to propping by Dilli.
Well, now’s the time to raise our voices, to collectively stop paying taxes till this Mr Sreedharan is transported to Mumbai. Do we gutless Mumbai people have the balls to do this? I think not. Also, I guess once Mr Sreedharan arrives, the corrupt local politicians would get busy thinking out ways and means to get his return ticket.
So sorry for wasting your time with this post. We are destined to go down the tube (no, not the railway one). Just needed to get this off my burning chest.
actually we need this man in Bangalore. Mumbai is far better in terms of road and rail, i.e. commuting is far easier as compared to Bangalore. Bangalore is hell. Just 10 kms takes 45 mins to 1 hour to commute.
hi anil
where r u. been a long time. no columns off late, no blogging??
hi, am in bangalore right now, and i entirely agree things here are worse.
I have been following Mr. Thakreny for some 2.5 years. Some time back I missed his articles on Mid-day, they were just stopped. But after reading this blog I can only say, His intelect (which I used to respect a LOT) has fallen!
I can not understand what has forced him to write such SUBJECTIVE and sometimes ridiculiously silly articles. I mean he is scolding Raj for Birahi Bashing on this blog, but I have read his articles talking almost kilometers about the slums in the city. He always seemed to want a solution. Why not Mr. Thakreney, give some solution to those problems instead of bashing the politicians!
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