I have said this before, and will say it again: We must completely do away with the post of the President. The person adds no value to our lives, and is in fact a burden on our taxes. However, if that’s not going to happen, can we please find a way to re-look at the process of election, and make sure we have a good man/woman inside the Rashtrapati Bhavan? The problem with leaving the choice to our slimy netas is that they WILL go for a person who will run when they scream, “FETCH, MOTI, FETCH!” Which means he/she can easily be manipulated, thus making the fancy post a total farce, clearly the Constitution did not want that to happen. But, it does, so something’s gotta be done.
Given the ugly war that’s been going on for weeks to plant a new Prez on the Hill, surely the time has come to reinvent both, the role of the Prez, and the manner of the selection. I think we have a great opportunity to select a person of unquestionable integrity on this occasion. One who is universally admired and has been a huge success in his/her sphere of life. Such a person should be selected by the Supreme Court bench, and his/her role should be to play watchdog to the nation, and he/she must be bestowed with executive powers to deliver on that job definition. The Prez should keep a sharp eye on the various evils politicians inflict upon us (promoting communal hated, corruption, murders, etc), and ensure they are brought to
book. Not being selected by the netas, the Prez shall not be answerable to them, and he/she can then run the show with only the nation’s good in mind.
Indian democracy sucks big time because slime balls and rascals are the ones who eventually find a way into Delhi’s power corridors. That’s the price we have paid for democracy. Can we not put out a power policeman to control these people? The Prez can be that man/woman.
And if it has to be a canine, I’d rather it barks and bites. And doesn’t fetch.
Yes , Anil i totally agree with you.This post is of no use and really Prez.. are puppets in the hands of the ruling party , ofcourse there were few exceptions too.I don't have any fascination for present president , i mean what has he done in this post?no great decisions.He never visited municipal schools ... it was only prestigious elite society's educational institutions.how many rural places has he really visited in his tenure ?Yes , as an individual he is a non controversial person , corruption free man with good conduct and simplicity and a great scientist and always had a clean image .This job involves good decision making , which i personally feel he failed be it Bihar Govs issue or Afsal's plea , he is not bold , he is afraid what will happen to his secular image or he may be under pressure from the political parties , whatever it is nothing is above the real interest of the nation .
Dear Anil,
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
However with the clowns we have as Netas, dont expect anything good.
Can't help watching how these guys behave. It's a real circus with one trying to beat the other, slaming the candidate (The President To BE) of this great Country, with all sorts of vicious allegations, teaming up with foes, just to get their man/woman in that seat, because the guy is from this region/religion and so fort.
I wonder why we cannot appoint the right candidate, He/she being an INDIAN FIRST, with the qualities fit for a President.
However, with the kind of people
I agree with u Anil , i feel even the Rajya sabha is also of no use and only waste of public money
Sir ,
Sorry for posting this comment here ,it has nothing to do with prez post but for some time now i'm fed of reading the articles in some leading so-called secular and rational newspapers "ART ATTACK ART ATTACK BLAH BLAH ....", the reason for bringing it to your notice is, i thoroughly enjoy your posts and i personally believe you are unbiased , I humbly request you to read the articles in the following link ,
Please take out time to read
atleast these two:
1.Art and smart
2.Pseudo-secular mafia of Indian mass media
Hi Anil,
While I agree with you that our slimy netas employ moti when selecting the prez, the romantic in me still looks forward to a rocket scientist or some such at the helm of afairs (ahem); so I wouldn't like the netas to spoil this party albeit an expensive one. What a time we had with two doctorates at the top! Wow! It really was a proud moment for middle class, academic minded Indians.... Smeetha Bhoumik
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