And so, another messed up day in aamchi Mumbai. Pictures of people struggling under waist deep water. Laments of people who could not go about their business. Buck passing and excuses spouting BMC. The missing in action CM. TV journos speaking to middle class families whose clothes and utensils went for a swim. The power cuts engineered by the nervy Reliance. And of course the one mandatory thing that makes me retch: the famed Mumbai spirit and how citizens step out to help each other. Like a bad D grade film rerun on a SAB TV or a Jain TV, this sequence plays out every monsoon, and then people crib and carp a bit, and life simply moves on as if nothing happened. I think our collective apathy has reached a dangerously boring high, we just don’t want to do anything anymore. Even 26/7 wasn’t enough for us to rise and do something to change this city’s spiralling fall into destruction. This city has become a whore… we sleep with her, we use her, we earn from her… and after we’re done, we leave her alone to die. And we pay our netas to play pimps for this over-worked, AIDS ridden randi.
Sahib Singh RIP
While all of us were saving our lives in Mumbai, elsewhere, the BJP leader died in a car crash. Frankly, I don’t know much about Varma. Maybe he did outstanding work for Delhi, whose CM he once was. Maybe he was one of the men who divert our taxes to make Delhi rock. But I will remember him for just one thing, and that was his flight on Jet Airways. Here’s the link to my article I wrote in Mid Day 4 years ago. (Click here.) May his soul rest in peace.
Dear Anil,
You have hit the nail on the head. We are aware of the conditions we are living here in Mumbai. It's worse than any interior village.
Worse still we have ignorant and selfish B's governing the state, and the City.
Being born and brought up in beautiful Bombay, its disgusting to see the state these people have brought it to. There is no will to see this City come up, only promises. Every other day we hear from these uncoute lot. Please bear with us for A Better Tomorrow. But that morrow will never come.
We have to have a thorough cleansing of this society, including the people. You get educated (leave alone the illetrate) messing the very street they have to traverse daily for their work/business. They spit, they through garbage in the drains, and if you ask them what they are doing? They reply oh its already messed up, and drains are meant for garbage. Some even get into an arguement, saying who the hell are you?
They do not realize that the drains are for water/rains to flow through the nalas to the sea.
Lets be frank, there is no one who can help us. I do not want to use any derogratory representation, as it will be disrepecting those souls who are trying to make a living in this mad world.
It's time we personally take care of our selves, form good ALM's in the vicinity of our surroundings, through out Mumbai, be alert. I am sure it will make a difference.
You guys have the best weapon, you'll should stop writing about these Netas and guys responsible for the mess. You'll give them cheap publicity, with their photographs etc. on the front page. Keep them out of the picture for a fortnight or so, and see the difference.
It's a known fact that you guys, can make em or break them.
It happens only in India , its like come what may we are not going to change - the BMC stand , so every year the city witnesses the same picture imperfect story and on Late Varma ,all i can say is what can we expect from our politicians ...
I want to bring something to your notice , though this has nothing to do with your post.I was surprised how the so-called secular netas and media went unnoticed "HAVE YOU OBSERVED THE NEW TWO RUPEE COIN INTRODUCED RECENTLY , WITH THE "CRUSADER CROSS" SYMBOL ", I MEAN I WAS SHOCKED TO SEE THIS AND I'M SURPRISED HOW COME OUR PSEUDO SECULAR RULING PARTY HAS KEPT MUM," FACT IS IN OUR COUNTRY SECULARISM MEANS ANTI HINDHUISM -My intention is not to provocate sentiments of people but to bring to your notice how poised we are and shame on the hyprocite Politicians .
Didn't realise he was the same politician. Good catch by you!
I think i even commented somewhere....or did i send you an email on that. Yeah, i think i emailed you on a great article in midday.
Pensive Lawyer
Dear Anil
Just love the headline, "Everything sucks...Except the drains". Cant over the way you so very easily articulate whats in my mind.
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