You bet Mumbai is an honest city. I am appalled to hear some people doubt the study conducted recently, where they placed the city at the 5th position in the world on the honesty scale. I have seen great instances of honesty in every sphere of life. There is no corruption at all in any government office. No one asks for ghoos in our courts, in our ration card offices, in the stamp duty and property registration offices, in the hospitals, at the passport office… it’s all spic and span everywhere. Our taxi and rick guys never ask for extra fare when you disembark at railway stations and airports, and in fact they lower rates when it’s raining cats and dogs. And rigging fare meters is a thought that does not even occur to their Mother Teresa minds.
Needless to add, everyone in the city pays their due taxes, diligently and correctly. Especially the businessmen and the movie stars and the cricketers. You won’t find a penny of black money in their designer closets. And of course, no one converts his profession to be a legalised farmer.
There are no pickpockets on our streets, homes don’t get burgled at night, and conmen don’t pay our housewives a visit during noon. There is no adulteration in the milk we drink, the cement supplies carry no sand, and the gas we put in our cars is absolutely pure.
And no one steals electricity, no one buys or sells body organs, no one pays to get admissions into schools and colleges, and there is no question of corruption in the police force. And our mantris are the living embodiment of our honesty and integrity.
So how dare anyone doubt the credibility of the study? We Mumbaikars are very honest people. Especially me. Can’t you gauge that from this post?