Without a doubt, Mayawati cannot be trusted. Any neta who comes up with the preposterous idea of building a shopping mall as an annex to the Taj, needs to have his of her head examined, and if found sane, needs to be put behind bars. And you can imagine what awaits us if such a leader becomes the PM one day (and Mayawati well might). She’d pass an order for a multiplex opposite the Raj Ghat.
Having said that, even as the rest of us in Bombay gave all the tamasha over the UP elections a quite go by, as we should (except of the fact that Bachchan was caught lying in the TV commercials to appease his fixer bhhaiya, and except for the fact that failure of political leadership in UP and Bihar adds to the numbers of taxi and rick drivers in the city), Mayawati went and changed the country a bit. And shockingly enough, for the better.
It’s staggering to believe that in a caste and community damaged and divided nation like ours, the woman managed to bring Dalits, Brahmins and Muslims together under one roof, and they all voted for her! This is like a tiger, deer and wolf joining in the same party, and doing a merry jig together. Yes, it’s that incredible.
Of course, what helped her cause were some asinine side acts. Like the foot-in-the-mouth disease Rahul Gandhi suffers from. Like the fact that the BJP is as relevant in our lives today as a manual typewriter. Like the loss of credibility Bachchan enjoys in this country, from the date he started hanging out with Amar Singh.
Despite the above, you have to admire the lady for having achieved the unthinkable. She reached out, and the masses trusted her, as simple as that. While the rest of us weren’t watching or were simply sniggering, she’s gone ahead and changed the course of history, she’s actually made us look like a better nation. Whether Mayawati has the skill or the desire to make the most of this development, remains to be seen. It would be a waste if she spends the next five years only on digging into her rivals’ skeleton filled cupboards, and sadly she will, but at least she’s made a difference for now. Maybe now the rest of the politicians will realise the divide and rule policy no longer cuts ice with India, maybe now they will move onto developmental issues. And just for making that happen, much as though I hate to say it, Mayawati should be chosen Prime Minister, sooner than later. I for one am deffy voting for the BSP, come next elections.
Sure, there will be a Mallika Sherawat doing pelvic thrusts next to Bapu’s samadhi, but at least we won’t be killing each other in the name of caste and religion. This is Gandhigiri, Maya style, and boy, am I lovin it.
Hi Anil,
I received a comment on my blog informing me of yours. I am sure glad you are now officially a blogger. Your write ups on Mumbai Mirror have provided food for thought if not occasion for a loud guffaw..especially the interview with Pratibha Naithani which I had linked to my blog as well.
Now on Mata Mayawati.. yes..I do agree with your post. But how do you react to the other four goons elected two of who are presently serving jail sentences? Amarmani Tripathi and Raja Bhaiyya? Have we as a nation totally lost it?
hi kaveetaa,
thanks for writing in.
goons can AND will always be elected in our democracy. simply cos the rest of us have left the field wide open for them, cos we find the biz of politics reserved only for scroundrels, so we are to blame for that situation.
the point i was trying to make was a larger one: that it is good to see a neta want to eat the whole cake, and not in slices.
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