There, I said the cruelest thing possible about a grand old man, a man renowned for painting goods that fetch millions of dollars in the market.
Popular view suggests we must not be harsh on a man that age. And I say, a man of that age should in fact be expected to appreciate banal things like respect for the law of the land, respect of people’s sensibilities, and most importantly, respect for all religions.
Under the excuse of freedom of expression for artists, Husain cannot get away with insulting gods, whichever religion they might represent. God only knows how deeply the Indian masses feel connected with their almighties, a visit to a local temple, masjid, church or a gurudwara would be an enough hint if you are still in doubt. Even our movies and television soaps reflect our strong beliefs in faith. India is a failed democracy, our leaders have consistently let us down, and all the common man/woman is left with is faith, faith that keeps them going. And any mischief with that aspect is bound to cause hurt, and I am dead sure our artists understand that. These Johnnies aren’t beings from Mars, they invest in real estate, they hold meetings with their CAs, they dabble in stocks, they too live the real lives. But moment the brush comes into the hand, they behave like super creative, super beings, who must be left alone to do what the eff they want. Bollocks, mate.
In my view, it is creatively burnt-out artists looking for easy recognition who stoop to the level of degrading people’s religion. They know some rabid fanatics will seize upon the chance to whip up further emotions, in fact that’s what I suspect they WANT to happen, as it gives them some form of a cult status and cheap publicity. There are a hundred billion subjects artists can choose from, but the only one thing they want to draw is that what creates hysteria.
It’s a pity Husain didn’t stick to drawing raunchy images of Madhuri Dixit; his sexy muse got married, flew out of the nation, and worse, put on oodles of weight. But she’s back again, and has lost a lot of kilos. Perhaps he should shift his naughty focus back on the backless choli lady.
Be Husain’s muse again, Ms Dixit. Only you can save gods from further degradation.
I think we're jumping the gun here mate. We need to first define what is insulting / degrading etc. In the absense of that i feel its not fair to term artists as people degrading the Gods. Once we decide on the yardstick, the same yardstick has to be used for all similar situations...so for example if a nude painting of the Gods is insulting then so is every other similar painting / carving even if it was done 2000 years ago...kapish? And then all of it would have to be banned!!!
p.s - even if you insist on calling the paintings insulting, i think the blame ought to be shared by the blokes who are paying millions for purchasing these "insults"
Are todays gods get insulted???
If they, let the Gods deal with people for their insult and take care after the persons death,
Why the creatures are taking God's Job in their hand, Or is it that there is no God and these creatures have higher control than the the so called gods??/
I wonder who is the God anyway, and why the God doesn't show up when needed??
do they dare to paint nude pictures of mother mary,jesus or mohammad prophet , and how our pseudo secularist politicians and the so called liberal secularist media would react.shame on the media and the artists
Mr.Hussain, whatever status he is enjoying today is solely coz of the naked paintings of Hindhu deities.He should publicly apolozise for his deliberate unforgiveable actions.If at all he is so obessesed with naked paintings then he should paint himself naked and in the name of freedom of expression you cannot get away with anything.Their (artists,media ,pseudo secularists and so called intellects)freedom of expression is selective(only hindu gods and goddess).Hussain never painted his mother ,daughter or prophet naked why?He is well aware of the reactions and we no when it comes to the issues of other religions our media and secularists poilticians is very careful with their words and actions.shame on them.double standards and lack guts.Hypocrites.Though i personally feel one hussain painting nude painting of the divine mother is not going to do any damage to our great heritage and culture (which still exists despite numerous attacks over the ages be it british,turks,persians,portuguse etc.).Those who condemn their actions are termed moral police shame on the shameless media .We know the media reacted ...denmark paintings .Coming to the kajraho ,they don't know its history and the reason behind them and commenting for the sake of commenting.Each and every hindu temple doesn't have erotic paintings, they don't have in-depth knowlede of hindhu mythology .There are people who believe in God and those who don't and those who don't should keep quiet and not hurt sentiments of millions who believe.We know what the reactions are going tobe if somebody paints Ambedkar naked?Why we reacted when some americans made fun of Gandhi?its also freedom of expression.Hurting any religions sentiments is very bad and artists shouldn't stoop to this level(cheap publicity tactics).Not all are going tobe silent ,some will react violently and the artists should be ready to face the consequences.Another sad thing is our very own hindus being so generous and magnanimous in forgiving people like Hussain and i will appreciate them if they have same stand had he painted Prophet or Jesus naked.COWARDS OR SHOULD I SAY IMPOTENTS.There are so many themes for the artists to paint why they are interested in only making fun of hindhu gods and godessses?
DO WE PAINT FOR PARENTS NAKED AND HELD THE EXHIBITION OF THOSE PAINTINGS ?DO WE?NO WE DON'T COZ WE RESPECT AND LOVE THEM SO MUCH ITS THE SAME FEELING A TRUE HINDHU(NOT THE SO-CALLED SECULARIST,DOUBLE STANDARD KIND) HAS FOR HER HOLINESS THE OMNIPRESENT,MOTHER OF ALL MOTHERS, DIVINE MOTHER-'GODDESS DURGA'.DO these people know how many temples have been destroyed in this country.Hampi is the living example for the fanatic actions of some people.Now we know whats happening in Punjab and how balanced and careful the media and politicians are (handling the situation).No Hindhu(99%) would never paint Gods of other religion naked?We don't see Hindhus converting people of other religions into hindhuism.We have successfully distorted our history and no one has guts to correct it.
Artist or not, a show of disrespect by any man or woman towards a cultural or religious symbol of any community is a show of disrespect in every posibble terms. It should not be accepted, nor tolerated.
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