So then how did this obscure, unknown old man manage to capture the nation’s collective imagination? Why is the junta, cutting across social, caste, religious and regional divide, whole-heartedly supporting him? What has gone into the making of the mighty Brand Anna?
Here are three possible explanations:
1. There has been a crisis of leadership in this nation for a long time now. People of India sorely miss a leader they can respect and trust. The last formidable leader we had was Mrs Indira Gandhi (despite her short comings) and there has been none of note after her death. Rajiv Gandhi flattered to deceive. Atalji could have been that leader but he owed his allegiance to a highly communal parent, and the Gujarat riots happened under his watch. Apart of these two, our leaders have been either inefficient or corrupted or both.
In this scenario, out of the blue, trots in a man endearingly called Anna. And using the forgotten methods of Bapu, he promises to clean up the nation. He has no shady past, he seemingly has no affiliation to a political party, he stands for non-violence, and tells us things we want to hear. It’s simple, really. Anna Hazare has quietly occupied a vacant slot in this nation. That of a leader we were all looking for. And I daresay if a referendum was to be held in this nation tomorrow on who should be our PM, 99.99% of the people will choose Anna. And the rest would opt for Dr Manmohan Singh. Such is the crisis of leadership in the nation.
It must also be noted that a vast majority of the populace has no idea what the Lok Pal bill stands for and how it will cure the scourge of corruption. People aren’t rooting for the bill, that’s just a symbolic tool…. they are rooting for Anna, the leader of the masses.
2. In politics, perception is more important than reality. No one knows if Anna Hazare has a hidden agenda behind his Lok Pal crusade, no one knows if there are secret forces propelling his march, no one knows if what he really wants is a grand entry into politics. And frankly, no one cares. All this nation is clamouring for is a clean leader who can get things done. All we are looking for is an honest, decent, go-getter messiah. And Anna fits into that perception very nicely. The Congress leaders tried very hard to kill that perception, they tried to fling crap at Hazare by calling him corrupt, but it didn’t work. Because no one cares, really. So what if he blew up two lakh rupees on his birthday, we asked. That’s a bloody paltry sum compared to the looting and plundering the Congress has done on this nation for decades. It’s the perception that’s the most important thing. Anna can do no wrong, we have already decided that in our minds.
3. What also seems to be working for Anna is his immensely charming persona. He LOOKS like a man we can trust. And when it comes to leadership, don’t underestimate this factor. He is 70+, a senior citizen, and still wants to bring about change in a nation in which he realistically speaking has no personal stake. This makes him a crowd favourite. Indians are emotional people, and we can’t sit back and do nothing when an old gent is out there fighting for our rights. In addition, Anna LOOKS like a really sweet grandpa, Santa Clause if you will. He is the father figure we never had. He is the affable Dadaji we want in the house. He is that cute teddy bear we all adore. We all want to reach out to him, protect him, hold him. Once again, don’t underestimate the importance of his personality, it is playing a huge role in his success. Just imagine for a second, even with all his noble intentions, if he looked like Om Prakash Chautala or HD Deve Gowda. The crowds would have vanished a long time ago.
"Anna LOOKS like a really sweet grandpa, Santa Clause if you will. He is the father figure we never had. He is the affable Dadaji we want in the house. He is that cute teddy bear we all adore. We all want to reach out to him, protect him, hold him." - Awww u got a crush on him :P
Anil,you are right its not the individual but a persona that the nation is craving for to lead them and the mass perception of Anna's visual image fits in with that need. I remember George Bernard Shaw's saying " Democracy is a tool which ensures that the people are governed by those no better than whom they deserve". Maybe its time each one of us did some introspection and looked for the Anna Hazare within us for our country's sake.
the nation will pay the price for bending backwards to anna....anyone will now fast to death to get a telangana a kashmir and what not.....
What you say is very true.
One has to look at the hidden agenda, as you say in your 3rd perception. Look at the BJP. They could not do anything even though they were sitting in the opposition for over 7 years. They too are a bunch of.....Now they want to use Anna as a tool.
Let's say if the roles were reversed. What do you think they would do?..../????
to Jen & NAT,
please come out of the prime ordeal fASHIONABLE "HINDU HATRED".
BJP is certainly not a Hindu party.
It is secular. It has Muslims Christens Jews as their members. It is only the WILLY Congress which wants to prooject it as "Rightist (?) communal etc to DIVIDE all of us.
We have accomodated everybody.
Congress is what "British was.
Let us support Anna as he is. Don't call him MAHATMA Or JESUS.but simply ANNA.
@Manu Uwacha,
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have more Hindus in my humble set up, than my own people. In fact I have all communities working for me.
We have various poojas in our offices.
We are more Indian, than any other so called Indians, as we are very CIVIL and follow the rules to the T.
And for your kind information. My only son has married a non Christian.
Hope you do not rope in all and sundry to make you feel good.
If you open your eyes you will see who hates whom...
He is adopting wrong way of agitation, wrong language, rude behaviour. If lokpal bill is so good why wait for the parliment to pass it. ? contact President, supreme court.
People are holding rallys , protest marchs , fasts for passing a Lokpal Bill that they dont have a clue about. Is this how our independance struggle went too ? I feel sad to think that it may have.
@Manu Uwacha,
I did not mention anything abt the BJP in my comment, however kindly tell me the names of the christians and jews in the BJP? The BJP today is caught with its oants down-neither do they support jan lok pal nor detest it because corruption is as rampant in its party- eg- yeddy, reddy,katta etc. they did nothing abt afzal guru nor lokpal but sit in high moral authority. they lack leadership themselves and hence prefer not to push for a midterm election.
Let me add that i have NO HATRED to any community- i work as a nurse and a volunteer to spastic children and they my patients and students are from all religions. I am an Indian and even though i am from a minority i am very comfortable living here.
Well said Jen. If it were not for people like us, these characters would be eating one another up.
What with the higher and lower caste and you being from one state and I from another.
Why can't we just be INDIANS FIRST ????
@ Nat thanks....yes we are all indians first. and happy ones....
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