Mumbai Mirror has been running a terrific campaign against those illegal, sick and ugly posters that politicians and their chamchas put up all over the city. If the traffic doesn’t boil your blood, these slimy ‘art works’ certainly do.
Now while the Mirror’s effort is laudable, sadly, nothing will change. After some hurried pull downs, these eye sores will be back with a bang once the dust has settled. And the newspaper has moved on to another compelling issue. This is because chamchagiri is at the heart of Indian politics (even Sonia Gandhi richly rewards sycophants), so the sucker posters will go on.
So then what’s the long term solution? I can think of only one way. There are these sadistic youngsters who, because of not much life of their own, go around town in the nights spray painting on cars and walls. This is a criminal deed for sure, but we need to find a way to channelise their excess energies into something positive. Something for which we can thank them rather than curse them.
I really wish these dolts would do their number in the middle of the night on these sad posters. Deface them with spray paint. Carve out moustaches, devil horns, and other unprintable lovelies. So that when the netas drive out in the mornings to enjoy the chamchagiri, they squirm and panic and order immediate removal of these rocking posters. And with time, the frightened chamchas will quit this practice and stick to sucking up in other ways.
Anyone reading in know these ‘spray artists’, please spray the word!
LOL Sexy idea.. gimme some spray cans.. i'll volunteer it
Our 'priya MPji'has hung these masterpieces from too many lamp-posts to keep an army of the unnemployed busy for a long time. Just find a sponsor for the cans! -Vera Alvares
Awesome idea Anil! I'm sure your mind is not idle, but it's still the Devil's workshop ;)
Pune's Banksys, get out your sprays and do the Can-Can!
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