So people are happy that come May, we’ll see a closure on young Qasab. The honourable judge will first convict him, then pass a death sentence (he has no choice!) and that’s that.
Well, things aren’t that hunky dory. After the sentencing, young Qasab has the option to appeal against the judgment in higher courts. That will take a few more months to sort out. Sure, the honourable judges will eventually uphold the sentencing (they have no choice!), but even that will not ensure closure.
Then, young Qasab has the option to file a mercy plea application with the President of India. Mrs Pratibha Patil will immediately do what ALL Indian Rashtrapatis do: Sit on the application, and get busy cutting ribbons at assorted shindigs across the nation. And hold High Tea Parties for the celebrities. And that file of Ms Patil is full-up already. There is a long list of mercy petitions collecting dust within. So young Qasab will be in a long queue. And in India, that’s the ONLY queue that people don’t jump.
Of course, due to the media pressure she could fast-track young Qasab to the gallows, but that will be an entirely controversial thing to do. Other sentenced terrorists, who are already in queue, will have every reason to feel short-changed. Their crimes weren’t any lesser.
So it may take a loooong time before the hangman is called in. (Meanwhile the dude can switch on his Havells CFL bulb to pre-atone for his impending sin.)
And yup, even after all this, after young Qasab hangs by his neck, will that be closure at all? For the victims? Not really. His masters, the brains behind 26/11, are busy having a blast (intended) in Pakistan. So what joy in killing a brainwashed, penury-driven, uneducated foot soldier?
Yeah, hold the party yet.
Ironic, that you missed out on the thousands of South Delhi trendy intellectuals shouting against capital punishment in between!!! Forgot Afzal Guru? Arundhuti Roy must be feral!
- Sumantra
phurfect ... Roy's next book "Puppets and Masters" - and she would make a misled boy out of Kasab..
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