Joke No 377 had to be modified, no two ways on that. If unnatural sex is criminal, most straights would be behind bars for indulging in ‘unnatural’ oral and anal sex.
However, what my gay friends need to come to terms with is this: the legal clause was never the problem, it remained only in them books. Just about no one was prosecuted for gay life, and I keep hearing these rubbish stories about blackmail by the cops… you can never catch people in the act, it happens behind closed doors. So if gay couples did give in to blackmail, it was probably because of fear of being ‘exposed’ before parents, pals, etc… which has nothing to do with the law.
Which then straight (unintended) brings me to the point I am making: The stigma and prejudice against homosexuality is not a legal problem, it’s not something a judge can order away with the stroke of a gavel. It’s a social problem, most people in this country haven’t accepted same-sex partners, and gays are almost always frowned upon or mocked at (watch Madhur Bhandarkar’s flicks for a demo). Gays are considered nature’s freaks, and it’s gonna take a very long time for these prejudices to go away. The law cannot change our beliefs, if that was so, untouchability has been declared illegal years ago, yet caste discrimination rages on across the country.
To me, this problem cannot be solved till we as a nation accept homosexuality as a trait of nature, a genetic issue, and accept it as a ground reality. And that is gonna take many, many years, maybe even decades.
So while my gay friends are celebrating on the streets, they must accept that this is a very small beginning in their long struggle to be accepted. A lot of work needs to be done, starting with public campaigns to reposition gay life in the ill-informed junta’s minds and hearts. It was never a legal problem, it’s a perception problem. Gays need communication experts and corporate honchos (to sponsor these efforts). And not lawyers and judges.
PS: One silver lining: For once, the sadhus and the mullahs and the priests have come together as one, in their protest against the modification of the clause. If nothing else, at least our homo pals made them agree on something! Gay ho!
Don't think Corporates are going to sponsor any such cause...
BTW you need to rename your blog adress... as you no longer are posting on Sunday's.
yes you are absolutely right about all of us(well almost!)being guilty of the sin of the UNNATURAL.An as far as the sadhus and mullas are concerned,they agree on more than we realise.for their selfish interest they are willing to turn man against man,brother against brother,neighbour against neighbour.GOD save us from these 'GODMEN'
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