Some notes and observations on the Jet lay-off:
I find it interesting that the first door the laid-off staffers knocked was that of Raj, not Uddhav. Should tell you something about who the next godfather of Mumbai is. Now we understand how much the canny Raj benefited his own brand by ‘fixing’ the Bachchans amongst his other nefarious deeds. The misfit Uddhav must now gracefully admit defeat, and forget about his future in militant politics.
I have this niggling feeling one of the reasons the media is so concerned about the sacked staffers is that the demonstrators consist of attractive chicks and hunky doods. Makes for good visuals. A refreshing change from the striking mill workers, farmers and rickshaw drivers they usually deal with. Personally, I am waiting for the Kingfisher babes to come out on the roads. Chosen personally by the tasteful Dr Mallya, these gurls have sexier figures.
While it’s never a great feeling to lose your job (I have been unceremoniously sacked once), my sympathies lie with the Jet management in this instance. They have every right to lay off staffers in bad times, the law of the land allows corporates to fire. So it’s extremely unfair that they are being put under such pressure by the media and the parallel governments. What people need to understand is this pressure will cause CEOs to hire with caution during good times. And it’s these same youngsters who stand to lose in the long term.
Also, I am sorry if these 20-something kids took loans and are now saddled with EMIs. Whose fault is that? Did Naresh Goyal ask them to take such risks in unconfirmed jobs? We middle-aged sods did not borrow till we were in our thirties, and after we had covered our arses for contingencies. Perhaps this is a wake-up call for today’s gen that lives unplanned, for-the-night lives.
Let’s assume the airlines are forced to take these staffers back, and the airlines cannot afford them. What will happen? What if they shut down operations for some time? Imagine being stuck with the maha regressive and maha inefficient Indian Airlines all over again. Did someone mention this country moves one step forward and two steps backward?
Finally, spare a thought for the dance bar girls. Many of the laid off girls had to lay dirty old men to eek out a living. The air hostesses can and will find decent jobs if they stop protesting on the streets, and try to scan employment ads. Guess more than money, it’s the cushy, high-life they are finding difficult to kiss goodbye.
It was the unfair way in which the management let them know that their services were no longer required that has made them protest. You do not send an SMS to someone if you want them to stop working for you. Give them a month's notice, or inform them about what's happening in the company.
I agree with the fact that if the company is in doldrums then they have to release staff... atleast they should have given staff an inkling of what was to come.... but i guess it's a catch22 situation... if the staff would have known earlier then Goyal would have had to face protests and demonstrations. A bit more finesse might have been better. i agree with you about the loans taken by the young girls.. you are right when you say that this gen dont care about matters like saving etc. it's an eye opener for them. their parents educating them/ them taking loans/ leaving education half to get a job is not Goyal's headache.
I am glad Anil that u have not changed. Your views are unbiased, candid.Thats the reason some people are uncomfortable when they read what u write. I find some even go to the extent of asking you to delete lines.Rediculous. What u write could be taken as word of caution.You said and there was a blast in Delhi.You had cautioned this generation at the time of the BPO girl's murder incident.You are again right they should look up the classifieds for the next job instead coming on the streets and going to wrong people for help. Rita Som
I agree with your point of view. Air India can take softer measures and keep running at a loss- they are govt. owned anyway!!! Murli Deora had no business making all those comments- it just reinforces Jet's point about teh sacking. If Jet cannot afford to pay its fuel bills, how can they afford so many employees.....
However, this was a case of managing the issue badly. The first rule is to never sack before a big festival - it gets all the sympathy. The second is it should be done in phases so that it does not seem like a mass sacking.
All's well anyway. This morn, all are back on board, coz Goyal has tears in his eyes and can't bear to see his little girls crying. Or were the tears becoz Mr T threatened to thram his a**e - another reason to be seen as the public's hero? (How many marathis are on board anyway?) It's not about the economics, Mr G claims. Money is not the only thing? Why are u in business then? Worse days are coming, when he smartly knocks heads off one at a time. Or increases the fares. Or takes the govt's bailout money, sells to Mallya and retires in Barbados. Tell the girls to keep scanning the classifieds.
well ya what u say does make sense.. its a different perspective... since i dunno the rules in terms of hiring and sacking in this field, cant comment much on that though the first thot that one gets is atleast give some notice period..... also maybe when jet hired , they overdid it .. thinkin there were better times ahead or doin unbelievably well with lil competition as opposed to today... if the media figures are to be believed, a strength of 13,000 employees.. wow!
given that every damn thing is politicised these days... well what can one say! and henceforth all those sacked(justified or not is a diff issue altog!) can go knock on a certain messiah's door... no prizes for guessin who that is :)
Raj is wiser than the dumb uddhav in many ways. Uddhav is only clinging to his father's image as a last resort, while Raj is making hay while the sun shines. Imagine Naresh Goyal wishes to meet Raj in this context and not Uddhav. Politics makes one a celebrity overnight.
Personal: (Gopal Shetty the MLA had once asked me to collect a gathering and take a demonstration to the BMC to fight for our rights, but we refused since we did smell the rat. We are a educated lot and do not stoop to such politics)
Jet employees should learn the practical ways of life. By giving an excuse of their EMI's and loans and debts does not solve their problems. It reality that have the taste of luxury and do not wish to go elsewher.
Raj is wiser than the dumb uddhav in many ways. Uddhav is only clinging to his father's image as a last resort, while Raj is making hay while the sun shines. Imagine Naresh Goyal wishes to meet Raj in this context and not Uddhav. Politics makes one a celebrity overnight.
Personal: (Gopal Shetty the MLA had once asked me to collect a gathering and take a demonstration to the BMC to fight for our rights, but we refused since we did smell the rat. We are a educated lot and do not stoop to such politics)
Jet employees should learn the practical ways of life. By giving an excuse of their EMI's and loans and debts does not solve their problems. It reality that have the taste of luxury and do not wish to go elsewher.
I agree with you. A job in the Airline is looked upon as a goose that lays golden eggs. High lifestyles, loans, cars etc. follow in quick succession without a thought for ground realities. Those on probation are the first ones to be eased under such circumstances. Media played it tot he hilt- like Susairaj the muderer....anyone would think she is Mother Theresa the way the media features her, sexy photos and all...Anyway wWhat happens when Goyal cannot pay salaries? Leave without a whimper?
Hey Anil
Bang on about the Uddhav versus Raj power equation. While I do feel the company had every right to sack employees they don't require or can afford, my only grouse is the manner in which it was handled. Surely they could have done the sackings in a kinder way?
Do we know why the Government allowed Jet Airways and Kingfisher not pay for their bill ?
If Jet Airways Management is really concerned on saving money, would it not have been more elegant for them to announce a 10 percent cut in pay for 'ALL'employees including the chairman and save money, rather than precipate the issue.
hello all,
thanks for the comments. two broad arguments emerge.
one, yes, the correct thing would have been to cut salaries across board so that people's jobs remain intact. however, layoffs happen across the world in professionally run orgs, so jet has actually done no wrong.
two, it's true that the layoffs should have happened with some finesse. and i must add, cunning. what if ten guys had been fired per month? but here's what i suspect, tho hope i am wrong: is it possible that mass layoffs were announced just ahead of diwali to put some pressure for obtaining sops from the govt??? hmm
anil thakraney
ps: dear rita, hope you start a newspaper in this country so i can come to you for a job!
Hi Anil,
Hey, I will start a newspaper, and you will be the Chief. But you will have to write what I want. Ha! Ha! Back to square one.
The worrisome thing in the whole issue is...how "credible" RT must be appearing to these employees. It wud be interesting to see their reaction when tomorrow some new calamity falls upon Bombay and this man washes his hands off it..!! When the concerned person refuses to help u out..lets see how u handle it?? Wat if RT took sides with Naresh Goyal over some other clashing issue?? Wat then...??!!
You are right to an extent. But then most students do tend to have a herd mentality - you know, if everyone's taking a study loan & it's the done thing and look how swinging India Inc. really is with all it's glowing indicators..... let's look forward to the good times, ain't it? I don't blame them entirely, it's easy to be fooled by the soaring sensex (then). And just think of those who took loans to go abroad, gosh!!!
No one thinks of the Black Swan event (The impact of the highly improbable by Nassem Nicholas Taleb), that's what it is
Yes smeetha...i do agree with u. thats a very pertinent point u have made.
I completely agree that after being educated one should behave responsibly.But HOW many of the 20 somethings who are employed these days are truly educated?????
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