I was having a drink with a Christian pal, and he rebuked us journos and the general public for not speaking out against the recent attacks on churches, and adding that we were biased against Christians in India.
And I didn’t agree with him. Because I don’t think we don’t care (history has taught us if we don’t reign in divisive forces in time, the consequences can and will be lethal).
It’s just that we all have been so badly screwed by the regular bomb blasts carried out by the fringe Islamic agents, apart from other routine problems of survival, that we just don’t have any mind-space left to deal with this sad development. We know the last thing we need is for another community to get pissed with the nation, and throw up a brand new set of militants on its fringes, yet we do nothing because how many problems can a human mind cope with?
It’s obvious that if the Bajrang Dal and its like-minded units are against the so-called conversions, then there are civilised means available to protest. A demo at the Jantar Mantar will be a good start. Or even better, creating communications and doing real deeds on the ground to discourage conversions. However, that is a long route, and violent elements of any group have no patience for it.
In short, this nation has become captive to extremists from every religious group (and if attacks against churches continue, we will have a brand new set), and the ruling government’s failure (or reluctance) to control them is costing our secularism and safety big-time. I think the premise on which this nation was born (pluralism, tolerance, co-existence) is under attack, and there’s nothing we can do but sit back and watch its imminent demolition.
Not because we don’t care or are not aware, but because how much shit can we deal with? After a point, you just give up and leave things to the Almighty.
I hope my Christian buddy understands this defeatist attitude.
I am no communal animal, as I had guys from all different Communities
(still have a few)working for me, from Hindus, incl Marathis/Up ites,
Muslims, Sindhis, Christians, Southies and even Sikhs.
They were all treated alike.
There was a very good advantage, as I would never run short of
Technicians during any given Festival, and thereby my Clients never
So what I have to say should not reflect on my
being biased against any Community.
Earlier I was a big critic of my Christian Brethern. I would always
say that we are cowards, as we do not stand up to
injustice and all this sort of voilence.
I have probably mellowed down (not afraid) after seeing how these
animals behave (sorry, I think I should not defame animals)
They come in droves and exploit only the weak, woman and children, and
burn and destroy wood/statues, which cannot hit back. They should not
ask for the Almighty's wrath.
Mellowed down, because our time we would either sort our differences
out with a mediator or meet in the Boxing Ring and thrash one another.
Not bully bounce or hurt someones Families or Religious sentiments.
I am sure if they were schooled in our Institutions they would never
behave in this fashion.
Rest assured that we will never do (never stoop to such
levels)whatever is being done by these so called Saviours of their
They do not realize that they are destroying their own people, messing
with the Future of this lovely Country, which is one of the most
prosperous in the World today.
They should realize that if there are problems in the home, after
sometime vistors/business Persons will stop coming. Then they will
have to really eat one another.
Lets be frank. One can see what is going on within the Country.
They have no peace within their own Community. Money is their god.
They kill for money, even their own wives. They do not want to have
Female Children, as they have to give a huge dowry to send them off.
They rob their own people, even from the lot of these poor miserables
who are suffering from natural calamities.
So there is no Blessings. No peace.
They sure need counciling. They should attend our
schools/Institutions, so that they
become good & decent Citizens.
And Gain Peace.
We will teach them how to offer the other cheek.
I guess they are so afraid of the poor coming up in life in the
interiors, that they bring out these issues of forced Conversions.
There maybe a few black sheep, who should be taken to task, but why
desecrete our Religious Shrines/Churches, Statues & Books and kill
About journalists. The less said the better.
Thank You.
Best Regards.
Whatever is happening is caused by the ensuing elections and the political parties need to show the people that they exist and that the current govt needs to be pulled down because they cannot contain violence (that they themselves were the perpetrators does not matter). Politicians simply do not rise above their lowly stature. Why dont these activists become heroes by coming forth to rescue trapped fellow Indians in several states instead of trying to impress the locals by flexing their muscles?
First of all, let me tell u one of the culprits was a son of a cong leader. so we know who is creating the prob and why. Secondly a protest is required, not a voilent one though..against conversions.
When Graham Staines and his 2 small boys were burnt alive whilst they were sleeping we were all horrified. And at that time i thought to myself that that incident will probably be so shamefully etched in everyone's mind, atleast in Orissa, that there would be no more violent clashes of such a nature. Was i wrong!
be sure anil the christians will never become a new breed of militants in this country....its impossible because forgiveness is constantly imbibed in us. we rather leave the country than kill our own fellow country men.
every group will have a few black sheep and therefore clashes will occur but leaders must quickly stop this with a stern warning and not with the attitude that for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction. shame on all political parties!!!!
I will say only one thing- killing and burning humans, destruction of churches can NEVER be the outcome of an anger against 'Conversions'. It is rooted in the socio-economic changes, i.e education and awareness spread by the Christian so-called missionaries! So, the message, strong and clear- DO NOT ROCK THE BOAT, people!
well, its a viscous cycle... if conversions wont stop then the backlash will just continue..... and in today's times when everyone is fighting with so much at all levels, honestly who has the patience! i am not sayin its justified ..... but whats the solution.. i am deadly against conversions... this is a v personal choice and nothin shud ever be imposed..... at the same time violence is no answer... so i do agree by and large with anil's view on this!
Just as in Godhra nobody wants to talk of the people burnt in the carriage. This time too nobody seems to take up strongly the ghastly murder of Swami Laxmananda who was 80 years old and doing a fantastic job. Is it because the victims are Hindus.
Christians are definetlely converting people by devious means. Lets not act coy about that. I have attended a New life Church session and heard the teachings. You are asked to take the counsel of the sages and sage is one who is CHRISTIANS. (So according to New life the rest of us a are....)
Was truly perturbed that one of the Hindu girls was finally baptised. Another Christian collegeaue got married to a Hindu girl and the church held some sessions with her asking her to convert. She refused so the padre said lets give her time eventually she will have to come around.
Eventually she had to sign a paper which said that the children of this marriage would be baptised and brought up in the christian faith.
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