Amar Singh is a known fixer, his only talent is being able to cut shady deals. That is a known fact. And now finding himself in a situation where the 150 year old Congress party depends on him for its own survival, you can well imagine the goldmine that lies ahead for this portly fixer.
In the coming two weeks, apart from many criminal cases being dropped (and brand new ones launched) many MPs are going to get seriously rich as they get bought over like cattle and sheep, and one way or another, we the idiotic tax payers are going to paying for it.
When it comes to filing my taxes, this downside of our faulty democracy is the reason I give my chartered accountant much strife. Although I don’t earn much these days, I make sure I end up paying as less tax as possible (and some of the saving I use to sponsor my very old ex maid’s health… there, I shamelessly claimed it!). I often get castigated by my CA… he says how will this nation run if we all don’t pay our due taxes. While I fundamentally agree with that view, my grouse is only a fraction of what we pay ends up in looking after the nation, a whole lot vanishes in shady deeds. So my idea is to minimise the outflow, and use the rest into making sure the money goes to the really needy and the really deserving. And definitely not to whoring MPs.
And my bigger problem is with us tax payers: we just don’t seem to want to care about what becomes of our taxes. When that happens, when that day arrives when the nation’s honest junta revolts against this robbery of our hard-earned money, I will celebrate our democracy. Right now, we are all paying for Amar Singh’s cute services, and there’s nothing the world’s largest democracy can do about that but sit back and watch.
Jai Hind!
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