I think the cricket bookies should expand their operations and do deals on which Indian city will get bombed next. It’s anybody’s guess, so lots of moolah can be made.
So then why am I trivialising such a ghastly matter? Simply because the terror agents are toying with our nation, we can do zilch these days but wait for another attack. It’s a gamble now, you just have to be lucky to survive. Blasts have become like a 20/20 cricket match, they keep getting played out every other day, only the venue changes.
And because they have been happening at such regular periods, most of us have lost interest. It would be interesting to find what TRPs the news channels scored on the night of the blasts, compared to the match in Kolkotta which was on at the time. So yup, it’s following the usual chain of events. Images of blood and gore. Tales of survivors. Damaged lives. Political blame games. Odes to the spirit of Jaipur. Empty rhetoric by netas and intelligence officers. Pseudo communal bonding. Soon, Jaipur will get erased out of our memories (exactly as it happens after the assorted Bombay blasts). See, we are already busy discussing Jayasurya’s pyrotechnics last night.
So till the next blast. I am betting on Mumbai. Any takers?
wish those terrorists wud do something abt these spinelss leaders we have..and bomb them out instead of us. after all its not we who are drafting unfavourable policies..!! wud be just the right thing to wake up the sleeping babus..!!
perhaps then things cud move...
hi thats a real neat piece
today mm ws carrying an article abt the poor security of the MLA hostel making it so very prone to terrorist attacks!!!
like i mean MLAS ?????
who cares ??
usually its us and our kin who suffer and these guys end up being so safe
hi shivani..i was abt to say the same thing..agreed with u 100%..!!
already these MLAs enjoy so many freebies and lead a luxurious life..these people have absolutely no shame at all...
very sad state of affairs..!!
even in the absence of security..these MLAs seem to remain safe while we the aam junta are vulnerable all the time..
ya i know all of us are so damn pisse dwith the entire system bt tats the way it is
smtimes i feel all these 'netas' esp the old ,fat ,leery ones should be shot dead...very extremist i know but they are all sick ....
wait a minutr !!
ALL of them ARE leery
hi shivani..agreed with that 100%.
dunno why they are all still working at that age..
time to retire and allow some young blood to take over things.
problem is..whoever joins politics turns dirty in no time. its not a good thing..
hi shivani..agreed with that 100%.
dunno why they are all still working at that age..
time to retire and allow some young blood to take over things.
problem is..whoever joins politics turns dirty in no time. its not a good thing..
I dont know what to say, But say we must. Two of my friends children have been the victims of the bomb blasts. I know what the families have gone through.We have become so numb that when the paper carried the news that the 1993 bomb blast culprit is caught. we jus could not react. We just turned away our face from the news. The high profile politics thats all that is. Just ruthless way of not allowing India to get a place or position in Security council. Thats what i feel . dont know.Anil atleast u r trying to awaken people towards such issues. thanks
rita som
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