Full marks to the Tehelka journo for the expose in Ahmedabad. Having spent a couple of hours with Praveen Kumar Togadia inside VHP’s office in Mumbai, I can tell you the atmosphere can get very charged and pregnant with hazardous possibilities. And this chap spent all of six months with a spy cam living, eating, breathing with people who can get lethal, and that’s a highly creditable act. A brave journo, indeed.
However, what leaves me baffled is this: will anything come out of the ratification of truths we already knew about five years back? Modi and his men have made no bones about being communal, that is their ideology, the plank on which they amass their vote bank. So there’s nothing new we are learning now. Since the matter is in courts, and if the judges admit the tapes as evidence, then that’s great, but that’s as far as this sting will travel. And sadly, no more.
In fact, what worries me is that the story will backfire on the journalists, and it will make Modi’s brand even stronger than it already is in Gujarat. The Gujarati Hindus had more or less forgotten all about the so-called revenge attacks five years ago, and the focus, even for Modi’s election campaign, has been on growth and prosperity. At the recent Hindustan Times Summit, a beaming Modi spoke for the first time of inclusiveness. Whether he meant it or not, it was clear communal politics in Gujarat had lost its steam.
However, the wounds have come alive again, and will create serious religious tensions in the State. And this means another thumping victory awaits Modi. Again, it will be all about ‘let’s get our lion back into the hot seat’ war cry.
So does this mean sting operations is a bad idea on perpetrators of crimes in Gujarat? No. But five years later is just too late to make any real difference. Other than to provide steroids to Modi’s on-going election campaign.
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courtesy:hindu voice
John Swinton, the foremost journalist of his day (1890), once said in New York: “There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. ... I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper. ...We are intellectual prostitutes.”
What Swinton said about 100 years ago is a fitting tribute to our present day mediapersons of the likes of Tarun Tejpal of Tehelka.
Tarun Tejpal represents the “Blackmail journalists” of Indian Media. He is a gun totting vagrant let loose in the backyards of the unstructured Indian democracy where the media does not play a fair game. Instead of totting guns he is totting hidden cameras. It plays to the tunes of distant masters, and takes instructions from masters sitting in China, Russia, Vatican and USA.
There was never any ambiguity over the central aim of the sting “Operation Kalank”: To secure the downfall of Modi. The reporter Ashis Khetan quite openly admits that he was initially despatched to Gujarat to do “a sting operation on Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s involvement in a spate of fake encounter killings.” When that pre-judged investigation failed, Tehelka fell back on the riots of 2002.
Indian media is acting like the fifth column and it has let down the Indian people by its loyalties to alien masters, who want anarchy in the country and rule by proxy, by exercising control over various political parties like the Congress, CPI(M) and CPI. Tehelka had not conducted any sting operation in respect of Sikh massacre, massacre and ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir, the numerous bomb blasts, the Bofors, Vockers, infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims with the support of Communists in West Bengal, etc. Even a fool can smell a Congress rat in the whole operation.
India has been the heaven for colonists, invaders and looters for more than 1000 years and India was bled dry. It is surprising that this Kamadenu is found still useful and wanted. Media persons like Tejpal and many TV Channels are helping these aliens. They are in fact bonded labourers of their foreign masters.
Since its inception, Tehelka has gone bankrupt thrice. It appealed for funds from the general public. It has now come out in a magazine form. Their October 2007 issue is of 100+ pages, but there are only two full page advertisements. Although the printing cost would be around Rs.30/- per copy, the price of the magazine is Rs.10/- only. One wonders how a magazine like Tehelka, with no advertisement revenue, has the wherewithal to do such a large sting operation. Definitely, the people working in the publication do not live on air and water. They were all well employed earlier, before joining Tehelka. So, one has to inquire how the publication is financed and where does the money come from.
What happened in Gujarat is a Hindu response to Islamic Jihad, as it did in Mumbai in 1993 consequent upon the burning of Hindus at Radhabhai Chawl. 58 innocent Hindus, including women and children, were burnt alive in the Sabarmati Express at Godhra Railway Station. This is the root cause for the riots. Had there been no burning of Karsevaks, there would not have been any riots. The secular Taliban is thunderously silent on this carnage. But by using terms like “genocide”, “holocaust” etc., they are trying to brainwash the people.
The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Prakash Jaiswal told Parliament that 254 Hindus and 790 Muslims were killed in the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat (although the secular soundbytes claim that thousands of Muslims were butchered!). The secular brigade should therefore answer this simple question - if it is a “genocide”, how come 254 Hindus have also been killed? Does this not prove that there were riots and both Muslims and Hindus participated in it?
The contribution of the electronic media to the spreading of riots in Gujarat in 2002 is no less. I happened to watch a clipping in NDTV (when the news about the riots in Ahmedabad was being broadcast) which showed a person plying a cycle rickshaw being attacked by a Bajrang Dal worker. When there is no cycle rickshaw in Ahmedabad, how did NDTV get this footage? Is it not ‘manufactured’ to add fuel to the fire? And after five years, Tehelka is also doing what NDTV did in 2002.
Another ploy employed by the secular brigade is to fool the people by saying that the Military arrived in Ahmedabad on 28th and it was deployed by Modi only on the 1st, that is after 3 days. But what they hide is that it was February 28th and the next day was 1st March. That means, there was no delay in deploying the Military by the Modi government. Thus, the secular brigade is fooling the gullible people by spreading canards and half-truths.
By publishing its Operation Kalank, Tehelka has tried to demonise and dehumanise Narendra Modi. Probably this may prove to be a blessing in disguise for Modi, as indirectly Tehalka has helped in the consolidation of Hindu votes. While the UPA Govt. at the centre has divided the entire country in the name of minority-majority, Modi has always talked about the 5 crore Gujaratis, irrespective of castes, creeds or religions. He has taken Gujarat to new heights in development. He has provided an able, honest and incorrupt administration to the people of Gujarat. In fact, Gujarat has turned out to be a model state for the entire country.
Such a man of character, calibre and able administration is the need of the hour for our country. Narendra Modi has proved himself to be the political heir of Sardar Patel, who integrated the entire country. Had he (Sardar) been the Prime Minister of India instead of Nehru, the stature of India would have been different today. We missed the first Sardar. Let us not miss the second one. It is the duty of Gujarathis to make Modi invincible today, so that the entire country can rally behind him in the coming days, and make him the future hope for India.
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