The only way to curb (they will never get eliminated) sexual assaults on women and children is for special super-fast-track courts to be created to deal with these particular crimes. These courts should be given a strict deadline of max one year to either convict or acquit the accused.
In this nation where we waste crores of bucks on nonsense stuff (black cat commandos for faltu netas, free air travel for their extended families, etc), surely some money can be used for the safety of the most vulnerable sections of this nation.
And added to this, there needs to be harder punishment spelt out for such crimes, especially cases of molestation, which currently don’t invite harsh punishment. So, bigger punishment, faster judgment is the only way to go. This can and will be the only deterrent against attacks on women and children in our democratic set-up.
The continued non-action of our governments in this matter is appalling. I mean, what are they waiting for? Vigilante justice to become rampant in this country?
Take the case of the Haryana tennis player who got molested by a cop 19 years ago. She killed herself in 1993, and the trial court has only reached the judgment now!!! Isn’t this sheer madness, an insult to the dignity and life of a minor girl? Think of the way the world has turned upside down in the last 20 years to give you an idea of completely non acceptable such a delay is. And even now, unless the media had got into the act, the guilty cop would have simply walked home.
As someone said, “In the history of the world, the true test of a civilization is how well people treat the most vulnerable and most helpless in their society.”
I am afraid we score a big zero on this parameter. Shame on us.